Directed by Ting Poo and Leo Scott
Rating: 🏆 most excellent
Val is a documentary that tells the story of the legendary actor Val Kilmer. His career speaks for itself and some of his most famous movies include Tombstone, Batman Forever, and Top Gun. He’s a man who’s known for his ability to completely transform his voice and mannerisms to become a different person on screen. But his battle with throat cancer, while not lethal, has robbed him of one of his best tools, his voice. But at his core, Val is a storyteller, and while he may not be able to tell stories the old way so easily anymore, this documentary proves that you don’t need a physical voice to tell a story. Through decades of home videos, old journal entries, and profoundly astute musings which are narrated by his son, Val offers us the opportunity to see his world through his eyes.
The reason his roles were so iconic is because Val was always willing to put in the work and go the extra mile to get to know his characters, and he has thrown that same dedication into this documentary. He shows it all; the good, the bad, and the deeply personal. As a result we are left with an intimate viewing experience that will leave you wondering, why the f*ck isn’t anyone is Hollywood writing a new role for this man?? Seriously, someone needs to fix this because I think Val still has so much left in him to give to a character on screen. You can catch Val now streaming on @primevideo.