Directed by Ursula Macfarlane
Rating: 🏆 most excellent
This documentary tells the story of Harvey Weinstein’s reign of terror and the systems in place that allowed him to get away with sexual assault for decades. If you’re a woman, an ally of women, or a believer in equality and justice, you need to see this movie. If you don’t identify with at least one of the aforementioned categories then you need to seriously reevaluate your life. This documentary did a beautiful job of telling the stories of victims, reporters, and former Weinstein employees, and connecting the dots to show how he was able to get away with this behavior for so long. The subject matter is obviously very heavy, so be prepared for that before you watch it. But the truth is powerful and the more that victims are validated and, most importantly, no longer silenced and discredited, the better equipped we will become as a global community to walk into a future where the behavior of predators is no longer tolerated. I can’t recommend this documentary highly enough. If you or someone you know is a victim of harassment/assault, know that you are not alone and check out these resources for survivors and their loved ones.
Review written by Zianna Weston