The Surrogate

The Surrogate movie is making waves with critics.

The Surrogate movie is making waves with critics.


Written and Directed by Jeremy Hersh

Rating: 🔥 that’s hot

The Surrogate explores the 21st century family in a way that reflects our modern times, and unfortunately isn’t often portrayed in the media. A college best friend agrees to donate her eggs to her gay best friend and his partner so that they can start a family, and she agrees to be their surrogate. But this beautiful act of service becomes complicated when they discover during prenatal testing that the baby has Down syndrome. Is this something that her best friend’s feel adequately prepared for? Can they financially and emotionally provide for this child? And if they decide to terminate the pregnancy, is this eugenics?

These and several other complicated questions are explored throughout the film in a way that has you feeling the pressure that the characters feel, what would you do if you were in there shoes? @jasminelashelle gives a layered and dynamic performance as the titular character and she is an easy protagonist to root for. The film is slow-paced and quiet without distraction, which adds to the feeling of reality that the director @jeremyhersh must have been going for. This is an important film about what it looks like to have a family in the 21st century and I highly recommend renting it on @amazonprimevideo

Review written by Zianna Weston