The Old Guard
Charlize Theron and KiKi Layne in The Old Guard. Image courtesy of Netflix.
Rating: 🔥 that’s hot
A group of immortals turned trained warriors have utilized their powers over the course of millennia to fight for what is right. Lead by bada$$ woman Andy (Charlize Theron), the group of 4 is surprised after a compromised mission when a young marine Nile (KiKi Layne) discovers her immortality while deployed, threatening the anonymity and safety of the group.
Beyond this synopsis I will tell you nothing other than how much I genuinely enjoyed it, AND that the bad guy is played by Harry Melling (better known to most as Dudley Dursley from Harry Potter). The fight scenes are fantastic, and so f*cking refreshing. Anyone else get pissed off watching “trained assassins” use a whole round of ammo on one kill? Or who are dangerously loud in covert operations? The Old Guard is a highly trained militant group, and they actually look like they are good at their job. This comic book was brilliantly brought to life, and I cannot wait to see what they do next- I smell a franchise coming on!
Written by Edelia Weston
Charlize Theron is mtherfcking bad*ss in Netflix’s new summer blockbuster, The Old Guard. Image courtesy of Netflix.