Tell Me Who I Am

Tell Me Who I Am is a documentary on Netflix that will challenge you to think about how much you would want to remember if your memory was stripped away from you…

Tell Me Who I Am is a documentary on Netflix that will challenge you to think about how much you would want to remember if your memory was stripped away from you…


Directed by Ed Perkins

Rating: 🔥 that’s hot

What if one day you woke up in a hospital and the only thing you remembered was your twin? Tell Me Who I Am is the true story of identical twin brothers who encounter this very scenario.

*TRIGGER WARNING* This beautifully told documentary dives into the painful question of the necessity to give back the memories of trauma, or to protect through falsifying the memories of your past. The journey is long for these brothers, and the pain is deep. Can silence allow victims to move on with their lives? Or is sharing their story the only way to heal? I do not have those answers, but I am honored by the raw honesty and the ability to be a part of their journey. Now streaming on Netflix.

Review written by Edelia Weston

Tell Me Who I Am documentary on Netflix is a mind bending story of trauma and memory, and the relationship between the two.

Tell Me Who I Am documentary on Netflix is a mind bending story of trauma and memory, and the relationship between the two.