Last Minute Halloween Costumes for Cinephiles

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash


Need a last minute Halloween costume?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are 5 easy costumes for movie buffs that you should be able to make with items that you already have in your closet.

Minion halloween costume for cinephiles

Being a minion from Despicable Me is an easy, last minute Halloween costume! The costume essentials are overalls and a yellow shirt. Bonus points for any additional accessories you might have!

Wedesday Addams and Pugsley Addams Halloween costume

Wednesday and Pugsley Addams from The Addams Family are an easy costume for cinephiles who already own a lot of black and white clothing.

Franklin Finbar Kevin Hart Jumanji Halloween costume

Franklin Finbar from Jumanji is a great costume choice for anyone who owns a lot of khaki and/or camping gear!


Olive from Little Miss Sunshine is a quick Halloween costume that can be thrown together with items from your closet. Make sure you wear her signature color, red, and as many colorful bracelets as you can get your hands on.

E.T. Halloween costume extra-terrestrial movie

The easiest costume of them all. Cut out eye holes in a white sheet and call yourself E.T. from E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial.

Don’t worry if you haven’t gotten your Halloween costume yet. With these easy costume options, any cinephile can be ready for Halloween in no time!