Written by Todd Phillips and Scott Silver
Directed by Todd Phillips
Rating: 🏆 most excellent
A gritty origin story of Gotham’s most notorious villain, Joker examines mental health and poses an interesting question. Are psychopathic killers born or are they created?
I loved this movie with all of my heart. Joaquin Phoenix played a lovable, twisted villain that challenged our simplistic binary thinking when it comes to “good” vs “evil”. His physical transformation for the role was extreme and he perfectly embodies the character. This film opens up a necessary dialogue for how we treat mental health issues in our society, and the social commentary provided by a clever and provocative script is something that I would like to see more of. This movie is intense so I don’t think it will be everyone’s cup of tea, but I can’t recommend it highly enough. The production design, cinematography, writing, directing, and acting are all exemplary. Joker is sure to be a powerhouse this award’s season.
Review written by Zianna Weston