Rating: 🏆 most excellent
Hercules is turned into a mortal and sent to Earth to be killed in order for Hades to carry out his diabolical plan. But will his minions be up to the task, or is Hades forever doomed to be the master of the underworld?
Hercules is an excellent example of good old-fashioned storytelling. The hero’s journey hits all the points it’s supposed to hit, and combined with jazzy gospel music, Hercules is a banger from start to finish. In my opinion Hercules is up there with Disney’s powerhouses like The Lion King and The Little Mermaid and I don’t think it gets the same level of recognition that it deserves. Hercules is a fun, larger-than-life protagonist, that still manages to be an underdog. The love story in Hercules is amazing because Meg is forced to choose between romantic love, and her own freedom. The stakes are high, the drama is juicy, and the muse’s gospel hits will have you singing “Herc was on a roll”. Go the distance and watch Hercules for yourself now on @disneyplus