Falling Inn Love
Falling Inn Love is a delightfully cheesy romcom. Image courtesy of Netflix.
Written by Elizabeth Hackett and Hilary Galanoy
Directed by Roger Kumble
Rating: 💩
Gabriella’s (Christina Milian) life is falling apart when she wins an inn in New Zealand in an act of serendipity, and through renovations she discovers herself and a new life.
I love me a good romcom. Especially ones that involve people that can’t drive stick shift, hot shirtless men, and random scary goats. If you’re looking for a film of substance that will blow your mind with its innovative production and offer social commentary on the cultural zeitgeist, then look elsewhere. If you want to be entertained, this film is for you. The town is charming and has a Stars Hollow feel to it, the kiwi accent is very attractive, and the scenery is gorgeous. Falling Inn Love is one of my favorite rom com’s of 2019.
Review written by Zianna Weston
Let’s be real, the star of Falling Inn Love is the goat. Image courtesy of Netflix.