This week on your favorite Harry Potter podcast we read Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets.
Enemies of the heir beware! The chamber of secrets has been opened. And the only way to unpetrify the basilisk’s victims is to wait months for a batch of mandrakes to mature? No one else in the wizarding world has a mandrake? This is just one of our tangents from this week’s episode on how the wizarding world continues to make absolutely no sense. We also discuss the general awfulness of the floo network, and how sad we are that the ghosts don’t get more screen time in the movies.
As promised on last week’s episode, this week I looked into where Harry got his Gringotts fortune from. The Potter family had been well off for centuries, but thanks to Harry’s grandfather and the potion he invented to tame unruly hair, Harry inherited a large sum of money as the only Potter heir when his parents died. Read the whole story on Wizarding World!
In researching the Potter family I ended up on a disturbing and unexpected tangent. Apparently the Potter family was left off the list of The Sacred Twenty-Eight, a list of pure-bred British wizard families that was never mentioned in the Harry Potter books or movies. This seemed like an entirely unnecessary late edition to the Harry Potter series, but wait! There’s more! While browsing through the books associated with the wizarding world, I stumbled upon an even more shocking title, Mudbloods and How to Spot Them. I do not understand why JK Rowling felt the need to add these offensive titles years later after she had wrapped the series, and I can’t imagine an explanation that I could get behind.
Listen to episode 3 for yourself now on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts!
Until next week witches,
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