Written by Charles Randolph
Directed by Jay Roach
Rating: 🔥 that’s hot
Bombshell tells the true story of the sexual misconduct charges brought against Fox News employees Roger Ailes (John Lithgow) and Bill O’Reilly (Kevin Dorff). For decades, many female Fox News employees were faced with an impossible ultimatum: at best, put up with sexual harassment, at worst perform sexual favors, to move up the corporate ladder, or choose to accept that their careers would never advance to the place that they had been working towards their entire lives. Some women, such as Gretchen Carlson (Nicole Kidman) were fired. Others, such as Megyn Kelly (Charlize Theron) experienced great success.
In light of the #MeToo movement, the importance of telling victim’s stories cannot be overstated. Regardless of your political beliefs, this movie is a must watch for anyone that stands as an ally against sexual harassment in the workplace. (*cough couch* that should be everyone…). As this is an issue that unfortunately affects women of all political parties, race, socioeconomic class, and career sectors I am happy to see any and all victim’s stories told in a supportive and empowering film. Margot Robbie and John Lithgow steal the show with their stellar performances as Kayla Pospisil and Roger Ailes. But the true stars are the hair and makeup teams that did an incredible job of taking a star-studded and highly recognizable cast and transforming them into star-studded and highly recognizable characters. Bombshell delivers drama, laughs, controversy, and truth wrapped up neatly in an entertaining hour and 49-minute film.
Review written by Zianna Weston