6. Alice in Wonderland- 1951


Rating: 🔥 that’s hot

A girl named Alice would rather daydream and play than focus on her school lessons. But when she follows her imagination down the rabbit hole she finds herself on a peculiar journey that she fears she may never be able to leave.

I love Alice in Wonderland. It has so many iconic quotes and characters that speak to my non traditional dreamer soul. Alice teaches us that there are no limits for the “curiouser and curiouser”. That being said, the plot is a bit of a struggle. Rather than seeing a strong protagonist on the hero’s journey, we’re presented with disjointed scenes of odd characters who are never really connected until the end when they’re all thrown together. Alice in Wonderland also pulls the overused “how the hell do we pull this all together? I guess we’ll just say it was all a dream” card. It’s one of the rare movies that I would say can pull this off, but it more-so works because the whole movie feels like someone’s psychedelic trip, and not necessarily because it was a genius way to end the plot. Overall, Alice in Wonderland is one of my favorite classic Disney movies, but it’s just so freaking weird. 
